The CIC Doctoral Directory is a listing of doctoral degree recipients who are members of groups underrepresented in higher education and who are alumni of the universities of the Committee on Institutional Cooperation . The Directory is designed to increase the visibility of doctoral alumni who bring diverse perspectives and experiences to higher education. The Directory will be promoted among hiring committees at CIC member universities, and the searchable, online database will be freely available to the public. A summary report and a detailed listing are available.
EligibilityUnderrepresented minorities include American Indians, African Americans, and Latina/Latinos in any field of study. Asian Americans in social science and humanities fields are also eligible. To qualify for inclusion, registrant must be a U.S. Citizen or Permanent Resident who completed a PhD, MLS, or MFA degree at one of the CIC member universities in any year. Candidates who expect to complete the degree within one year may also enroll.
If you have questions or would like to offer feedback about the Directory, please contact Yolanda Zepeda, / 217-244-5565.