Monday, January 11, 2010

GPSO openings for 2010-2011 officers

The Graduate and Professional Student Organization (GPSO) invites members of the graduate and professional student community to run for its officer positions for the 2010-2011 academic year.

The GPSO President receives a tuition remission, health insurance and salary for the 10-11 academic year and the summer of 2010. This position is contracted for 20 hours a week as a Student Academic Appointee (SAA). The GPSO Vice President, Treasurer, Parliamentarian and Liaison receive salaries for the academic year. These positions require 5-10 hours a week. These five positions are the voting members of the GPSO Executive Committee. Please find more detailed descriptions about these positions from the GPSO Constitution at the bottom of this e-mail.

The new officers begin their terms on May 1, 2010 and end their terms on April 30, 2011. Please only consider running if you know for certain that you will be in Bloomington during that period of time and that you can and will serve the full term. The GPSO Assembly will elect new officers on Friday, February 5 at 3:30 in the Fine Arts Auditorium, next to IU Auditorium.

The GPSO will accept self-nominations and nominations for these positions up until the actual election. There are limited possibilities for campaigning, but we can circulate statements, proposals, or other literature to members of the Assembly prior to the elections.

More information about the GPSO can be found at

If you have any questions, please contact Angela at or Nick at

Nick Clark
GPSO President

For descriptions of position responsibilities, see the GPSO Constitution, Article IV, Sections 6-10